Present at the Creation – the Birth of a Boutique Law Firm.

Steve put down his pen. A sixth-year associate at a big firm, he pulled on his jacket and stepped outside the office. Soundlessly down one carpeted corridor, then a turn, and a short trip down the next. He leaned into a doorway. Al was furrowing over his screen, desk piled high with paper. Steve said, “Al, let’s go downstairs and grab a coffee.”

The steam curled around the top of Steve’s cup and a twinkle appeared in his eye. “Al, let’s get the heck out of here.” Al smiled slowly. He means, let’s leave the firm! “Yes,” confirmed Steve, “let’s start our own.”

“Amazing. I was just having this conversation with Julie last week. She’s definitely ready for a move,” Al confirms.

Some time later, agreements in hand, a new boutique law firm is born. The three founding partners would need insurance… an office… and … a website.

That’s where we come in. Over the last 20 years or so, DLS Design been called in dozens of times when a scenario like this has played out. Most often by referral from a similar startup who did the same thing earlier, we get the call to design the new boutique’s website. We have created the sites for many of the leading boutiques in New York and elsewhere. Many are still our clients.

Almost always, discretion is required, as the new founders finish off commitments and decide when to give notice. Often one or more of the lawyers are coming from a government agency, as well, adding another level of complexity.

We confer with the lawyers to find out about their practice. What type of law? And how do they view themselves? As strategic? As aggressive? Something else?

We build the website we think they imagine, posting on a non-public server, refining design, code, messaging and image until…

The launch! We meet the deadline; announcements are made; the world links to a website nobody had seen the day before.

The birth of a new law firm. If you hear of a story like this, or if you are one of the cast of characters, reach out to me.

Image created with AI.

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